YouTube is a video sharing web site (video sharing) popular where users can upload, watch, and share video clips for free. Generally, the videos on YouTube are music clips (video clips), movies, TV, and video made by the users themselves. Format used in YouTube videos are. Flv can be played in a web browser that has Flash Player plugin. According to Internet research firm Hitwise, in May 2006, YouTube has a market share of 43 percent.
Pada 9 Oktober 2006 diumumkan bahwa YouTube telah dibeli Google dengan harga US$1,65 miliar. Pada awal April 2008 beberapa ISP Indonesia menutup akses ke beberapa situs web termasuk YouTube karena memuat film Fitna. Awalnya pemblokiran berupa pemblokiran sepenuhnya terhadap seluruh situs web, namun kemudian diubah menjadi pemblokiran terhadap URL tertentu yang memuat video tersebut saja.
On October 9, 2006 it was announced that Google bought YouTube for U.S. $ 1.65 billion. In early April 2008 some Indonesian ISPs blocked access to several Web sites including YouTube for posting the film Fitna. Initially blocking a full blockade of the entire website, but later changed to the blocking of specific URLs that contains the video course.
Pasti anda semua tahu Apa itu YouTube? Ya,
Surely you all know what that is YouTube right? Yes, YouTube is a medium to upload videos for free from your file and can be shared online. Well you must be careful also not to either upload a personal video, can brabe. YouTube is very suitable for us who want to find information without having to read the article because most of my YouTube videos in an oral form by authornya. I myself do not like reading but wanted information, with YouTube is very helpful to get what we are looking on the internet.
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