Cinta adalah sebuah emosi dari kasih sayang yang kuat dan ketertarikan pribadi. Dalam konteks filosofi cinta merupakan sifat baik yang mewarisi semua kebaikan, perasaan belas kasih dan kasih sayang. Pendapat lainnya, cinta adalah sebuah aksi/kegiatan aktif yang dilakukan manusia terhadap objek lain, berupa pengorbanan diri, empati, perhatian, memberikan kasih sayang, membantu, menuruti perkataan, mengikuti, patuh, dan mau melakukan apapun yang diinginkan objek tersebut.
Love is an emotion of strong affection and personal interest. In the context of the philosophy of love is a good trait to inherit all the good, the feeling of compassion and affection. Another opinion, love is an action / activity performed on humans against other objects, in the form of self-sacrifice, empathy, empathy, compassion, help, follow the words, followed, submissive, and willing to perform any desired object.
Seperti banyak jenis kekasih, ada banyak jenis cinta. Cinta berada di seluruh semua kebudayaan manusia. Oleh karena perbedaan kebudayaan ini, maka pendefinisian dari cinta pun sulit ditetapkan. Lihat hipotesis Sapir-Whorf.
Ekspresi cinta dapat termasuk cinta kepada 'jiwa' atau pikiran, cinta hukum dan organisasi, cinta badan, cinta alam, cinta makanan, cinta uang, cinta belajar, cinta kuasa, cinta keterkenalan, dll. Cinta lebih berarah ke konsep abstrak, lebih mudah dialami daripada dijelaskan.
Cinta kasih yang sudah ada perlu selalu dijaga agar dapat dipertahankan keindahannya
Like many types of lovers, there are many kinds of love. Love is all over all of human culture. Because of this cultural difference, then the definition of love is difficult to determine. See the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.
Expressions of love may include the love of 'soul' or mind, love of law and organizations, agencies love, love nature, love food, love money, love learning, love power, love, fame, etc.. Love is more directed to an abstract concept, easier experienced than explained.
Love that is already there need to be maintained in order to maintain its beaut
Love is an emotion of strong affection and personal interest. In the context of the philosophy of love is a good trait to inherit all the good, the feeling of compassion and affection. Another opinion, love is an action / activity performed on humans against other objects, in the form of self-sacrifice, empathy, empathy, compassion, help, follow the words, followed, submissive, and willing to perform any desired object.
Seperti banyak jenis kekasih, ada banyak jenis cinta. Cinta berada di seluruh semua kebudayaan manusia. Oleh karena perbedaan kebudayaan ini, maka pendefinisian dari cinta pun sulit ditetapkan. Lihat hipotesis Sapir-Whorf.
Ekspresi cinta dapat termasuk cinta kepada 'jiwa' atau pikiran, cinta hukum dan organisasi, cinta badan, cinta alam, cinta makanan, cinta uang, cinta belajar, cinta kuasa, cinta keterkenalan, dll. Cinta lebih berarah ke konsep abstrak, lebih mudah dialami daripada dijelaskan.
Cinta kasih yang sudah ada perlu selalu dijaga agar dapat dipertahankan keindahannya
Like many types of lovers, there are many kinds of love. Love is all over all of human culture. Because of this cultural difference, then the definition of love is difficult to determine. See the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.
Expressions of love may include the love of 'soul' or mind, love of law and organizations, agencies love, love nature, love food, love money, love learning, love power, love, fame, etc.. Love is more directed to an abstract concept, easier experienced than explained.
Love that is already there need to be maintained in order to maintain its beaut
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